Frequently asked questions.


  • 1. Declutter

    Please declutter your home as much as possible so we can perform a better job.

    • Floors cleared

    • toys/personal items picked up

    • sink empty of dishes

  • 2. Communicate

    Let us know of any special instructions or notes you have for that day of cleaning (i.e., skip cleaning the guest bedroom)

  • 3. Scan

    Make sure you have filled our online “Home Cleaning instructions” form.

  • What time will the cleaning crew arrive?

While we try to accommodate all of our customers to the slot of their liking, many factors can affect our arrival times. The arrival times provided are estimated without any factors affecting them, for the same reason we ask our customers to allocate half an hour before and after the time provided for our cleaning experts' arrival.  
  • Do you provide all cleaning supplies (chemicals and tools)?

We can. Below you can find all the products that we currently use. However, we understand that sometimes floors and countertops need special care. For this, we ask our customers to provide floor/countertops cleaners of their choice. 
  • Why are your rates higher than an individual?

Our hard-working cleaning crews are the best of the best and are entitled to make a fair wage. Cleaning is a demanding job, so we reimburse the ladies what they deserve to keep them motivated and passionate about what they do. Similarly, compared to other small businesses, our prices are competitive in the residential cleaning business.
  • What if something gets broken?

We take full responsibility if something breaks due to negligence during cleaning. However, we will not be liable if customers do NOT correctly secure the items before our cleaning team arrives.
  • Do you work weekends?

Our regular work schedule is Monday to Friday. However, sometimes ladies will accept to work on a Saturday. If you need a Saturday cleaning, please get in touch with us as early as possible, and we will try to arrange a cleaning. There are higher rates on the weekends since we like to pay the girls extra for giving up their days off.